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China rejects participation in the conference on Ukraine in Switzerland

by Sputnik Globe

The plan for a conference on Ukraine hosted by Switzerland differs from China’s demands and world’s expectations, that is why it is difficult for Beijing to partake in the event, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said on Friday.
“There is a clear discrepancy between the conference agenda, China’s demands and the general expectations of the international community, making it difficult for China to participate in this meeting,” Mao told reporters.
China’s demands for a peace conference that is fair and impartial and not directed against any party are reflected in the consensus on a political solution to the Ukraine crisis recently released jointly with Brazil, and they also reflect the common concerns of the international community, especially developing countries, the diplomat said.
A peace conference on Ukraine must be recognized by both Moscow and Kiev, otherwise it will be difficult to play a significant role in restoring peace, the spokeswoman said.
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