Foreign Policy

German Foreign Minister Speaks Out Against Including Russia in G7

Sputnik News – German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has said that Russia cannot be reincorporated into the G7 format until the Ukrainian crisis is resolved.

“The reason for excluding Russia from the [G8] roster was the annexation of Crimea and the intervention in eastern Ukraine. Until we resolve this issue, I see no possibility [for including Russia in the format]”, Maas told in an interview with the Rheinische Post newspaper.

Earlier, US President Donald Trump expressed a wish to hold the next G7 meeting in an extended format, inviting Russian, Australian, South Korean, and Indian leaders to Washington.

The summit, which traditionally comprises Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, was due to take place in the United States in June but was postponed until at least September due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.

Russia joined the Group of Seven in 1998, making it G8 until 2014 when disagreements over events that took place in Ukraine and Crimea resulted in Moscow’s exit. Other countries in the organisation have accused Russia of interfering in Ukraine’s domestic affairs, although Moscow has rejected all the allegations.

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